LTCC Membership

Member Benefits

  • Keep up to date on Metro projects, new developments, crime and safety, business openings, and upcoming events.

  • Have a voice: All members have equal vote and a real say in Little Tokyo.

  • Fight for future generations: Be part of a recognized, established body in LA with a direct connection to local government, developers, and stakeholders.

  • Support LTCC: Your dues pay for staffing, community marketing, and fun community events, such as Haunted Little Tokyo.

Current LTCC Membership Roster
Check for your membership renewal date!

Please complete the following form to join as a member.

We prioritize having all Little Tokyo stakeholders being able to join LTCC as members, and encouraging our supporters becoming members as well—so we are always open to a conversation about paying in higher or lower amounts. Please email regarding membership fees if you have any questions.

  • Membership fees:

    • Individuals: $40 

    • Small business, community organizations, and churches/temples: $250

    • Large organizations, corporations, benefactors: $500

Payment by check: Please select “one-time” below and complete the form. Select the “check” option at the final step. Please note that selecting “yearly” below will remove the “check” option.

  • Mail checks to: Little Tokyo Community Council
    106 ½ Judge John Aiso St., Ste 172
    Los Angeles, CA 90012

    • Checks are made out to: Little Tokyo Community Council